Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dual Citizenship

Just in time for our trip to London next week, Avery Kate is a Dual-Citizen of Ireland and the United States.  Pretty cool.  She's 7 months old today and ready to rock.  Now she can work anywhere in the US and Europe when she's older.  But for now she's satisfied with sitting up on her own, and getting up on all fours but not quite crawling yet. She's loved all the food I've given her so far except papaya, she had 4 spoons of that and then refused to eat any more, but I think I might have scraped too close to the rind so I think she could still like it, but for now it's too expensive to buy papayas anyway so no big loss.  Other than that, this is a pretty happy, content baby.


  1. Nicole saw Avery eating her passport and said, "That's not what we do with books!" How come your layout is all crazy?

  2. Avery is such a cutie pie! I should try nibbling on my passport. Avery makes it look pretty appetizing.
